We Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Winter Wonderland
POO REPORT - Omaha was buried under 12 inches of snow last Tuesday, and we were snowbound until Friday morning. We
received another inch or two this morning. I did some work from home and kept an eye on the little man while Nicki used the time to complete her immunology class (She got an 'A'!!...she is a kick-ass mom). In between, we
shoveled snow, finished some 'in-home' projects, and took turns skiing the streets and parks of Omaha. We also took Finn out for a spin in the 'Bob', and watched the chaos that happens when this much snow hits a midwest city.

shoveled snow, finished some 'in-home' projects, and took turns skiing the streets and parks of Omaha. We also took Finn out for a spin in the 'Bob', and watched the chaos that happens when this much snow hits a midwest city.
Our home is in the bottom of a small valley, which means we had quite a few people stuck near our house, unable to climb the snowy hills out. Over the weekend we headed out to with the Camenzinds, took a tractor ride, marched around in the snow, and cut down a seven-foot tall, seven-year old spruce, Finn's first Christmas tree. Nicki played the lumberjack this year. Once again, Yoda adorns the crown (thanks Mistereks!). It is now so cold here that Manuel refused to ski with me today...brrrrr.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Home Sweet Home
Jason and Finn in front of the collegiate Peaks
I think Finn was getting a little stir crazy in the car...
Finn's favorite song, Finn Carter Alexander, Finn Carter Alex-an-an-der!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha (literally!)
If Gavin Chard gets the crazies before bed, Finn gets the sillys. He is a giggle monster some nights and it doesn't take much to get this contagious laugh going! Jason gets home tonight from his 5 weeks away (he was home some weekends), but it has been a VERY long go for him. I'm not sure who is more excited us or him. Next week we leave for Colorado. We are very excited to visit friends and our beloved mountains. Until then, here is the silly man in action (sorry for the dark video).
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Busy Bees
We've all been busy bees lately! Last week Finn and I flew to St. Louis to spend time with the Alexander clan, while Jason was busy working on the Belle Fourche River in South Dakota. Finn loved playing with his cousins and seeing his grandparents. Here are more pics from St Louis Fun.
Finn went in for his 9 month appointment on Monday. His doc thought he looked great and was right on track for everything, still a little bit small 10% weight, 30% height, and 55% head (large noggin). Of course we think he is perfect!
I love this pic!
Finn went in for his 9 month appointment on Monday. His doc thought he looked great and was right on track for everything, still a little bit small 10% weight, 30% height, and 55% head (large noggin). Of course we think he is perfect!
I love this pic!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Go Big Red!
Monday, October 19, 2009
9 months and countin'
Little man is approaching his 9 month mark. He is still a happy go lucky little guy, but he does not want to sleep ALONE! I don't blame him, but the sleep training has been tricky. I'm open to any and all suggestions, however, I'm sure I've tried them all! And this too shall pass...
We have been trying to get some hikes in at the state parks before it gets really cold, but I don't think that will stop us (note the snowy picture below).
We've been to Platte River State Park and Schramm State Park in the last two days. The beautiful fall colors have been amazing!
Schramm State Park
We have been trying to get some hikes in at the state parks before it gets really cold, but I don't think that will stop us (note the snowy picture below).
We've been to Platte River State Park and Schramm State Park in the last two days. The beautiful fall colors have been amazing!
Our Kitchen remodel is almost done! We just have some minor touch up work, but otherwise done! And it is wonderful. So come on over and we'll cook ya something!
Jason has been out of town the last couple weeks and he has a couple to go. So Finn and I will try and stay busy, in fact we are heading to St. Louis to visit the Alexanders next week. More pics to follow...
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Nana Peggy
Nana Peggy came to visit last weekend. It was great. We went to the zoo, out to our favorite breakfast place, and played, played played! Here are some pictures from last weekend.
Jason and I took turns taking the little man on hikes this week. Monday Jason went to Schramm State Park and yesterday I went to Hitchcock Nature Center. We are trying to enjoy the last few WARM days. Here are some pictures from beautiful fall hiking.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Last weekend we went to the Niobrara river. It was wonderful! Mom hadn't been in that part of the state in over 10 years, and she had never canoed it, so we decided it was time. We rented a cabin at Sunny Brook Campground just south of Sparks, NE. It was a little rustic for mom, but she did great (no running water or bathrooms, oops, next time I'll ask...). We drove through the wildlife refuge on our way to the campground and saw lots of Bison. Then on Saturday a trip to Smith Falls, the largest waterfall in NE, and onto our canoeing adventure. We saw many smaller waterfalls, a few people at the beginning of our trip, and mom paddled through a class II rapid (and many smaller ones). We spent the rest of the time by the campfire and even listened to the Nebraska game for awhile. Here are some pics from our adventure.

We're off...

Beautiful Sunset

Wine-O Bee

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Last week one, this week the other. Finn got both his bottom teeth over the last couple weeks. He really hasn't complained much, just a lot of chewing and drooling. Tonight he picked up one of his daddy's rocks and chewed away, taking time in between to smile in delight. I'm not sure who was happier Finn or Jason...rocks, who knew?!
Finn's been watching Football games with grandma, helping remodel the kitchen (which is almost done), and seeing his cousin Riley off. We will miss our Riley, she was so wonderful with Finn and just great to have around, she is off to bigger and better things, Job Corp.
Finn's been watching Football games with grandma, helping remodel the kitchen (which is almost done), and seeing his cousin Riley off. We will miss our Riley, she was so wonderful with Finn and just great to have around, she is off to bigger and better things, Job Corp.
Finn standing in his crib, he is always trying to break out!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
7 month photo shoot!
Last week we had so much fun with our friend Linda. She came an did a 7 month photo shoot with us at the house. Finn was a ham as you can see. If you want to see the entire collection click on this link (or let me know).
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Big news, big news...yesterday Finn crawled for the first time! I guess you could say it was more of an inch worm kind of thing, but forward movement none-the-less. Here is a video from today.
While we were in Colorado for Lindsey and Dave's wedding we made an unexpected trip to Missouri to honor our Aunt Margie. She passed after battling Ovarian cancer for over two years. We were able to be with friends and family to remember her. She was so special to us (See posting from June 12th to see a wonderful picture of Margie and Finn). On the day of her funeral, two of our best friends (Jaime and Cindy Boock) welcomed their baby boy Paul into the world. It made us smile on a day filled with so many tears.
(Here is big Sis Sarah with Paul)

Lindsey and Dave's Wedding
They got married in beautiful Marble, CO.
It was one of the most beautiful weddings I've ever been to.
It was one of the most beautiful weddings I've ever been to.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Finn had his first canoe adventure last Sunday. He did great, not just because he slept most the way down the river, but because he is such a good little man (it helped that Steve was with us too). So happy all the time. How did we get so lucky...
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