The last five months have been transformative to say the least...we could not have special ordered a more well adjusted son. Today was like any other day...we woke up to him stirring in his crib, I peered over the rail and found a big smile peering back. Today was my first father's day and I had intended to spend it with my son, canoeing the Platte River. The river has special significance for me on father's days because some of my fondest childhood memories are of my father taking my family boating on the Mississippi. We have been wanting to get the little guy on the water for some time. We tried out the Finn's new life jacket earlier in the week, at Kelly and Paula Price's pool in Fremont. We always like to think to ourselves that the child will share our characteristics...and, given the fact that Nicki and I lover water, he should like the water...well, Finn appears to like the water, and spent almost two hours in the pool, with a grand finale solo swim in his new life jacket...his little head is just peering out of his turtle-like shell, but his little feet are kicking away.
The Platte was rather swollen from recent rain, so we chose not to bring the li

ttle guy for his first father's day (or ever) trip...instead he spent the day with his cousin Riley, while Nicki and I enjoyed some time with the dogs, floating the Fremont to Two Rivers reach of the lower Platte. Although we missed the little guy, we were able enjoy a long float, on a beautiful day, my first father's day.