Finn is 6 weeks old! He is smiling every day, trying to talk (or squeal), growing like you wouldn't believe and I am finally starting to get the hang of this mom thing. Jason is in Denver for a couple days, so I am left updating the blog. Since I can't compare to his literary luster, I will just leave you all with some wonderful photos of the week.
Grandma Karen came for a visit after chemo on Thursday with Rhonda (who made Finn a FABULOUS afghan blanket!). Then she came back today to babysit while mommy went to yoga! I think both smiles say it all!
Kate flew in from Colorado for a wonderful weekend! It was so nice to have some girl time and introduce her to my little guy.

If you didn't think Finn looked like his daddy, well here you go!

Here is Finn finding his thumb for the second time.