Finn meets the rest of the family....
POO REPORT - Week 7 was a full one for all of us. I took a mad dash to Denver for two days and nights of work training, which was my first extended period away from my son. Finn has been feeding ravenously, and still (cross your fingers) giving us at least one 5 to 6 hour sleep session per night. His appetite and sleep has been paying off, as he has been noticeably much so that I could see changes after only two d
ays away. We weighed him in yesterday at 10 pounds.
On Friday we packed up and headed to the airport, walked Finn through airport security, and flew out to St. Louis to visit my family. Although Finn may have worried a few fellow passengers upon loading, he managed to sleep for the hour flight to St. Louis, making our life, and their life, easy. Little Finn paid a visit to his uncle Andy, Aunt Carrie, his twin cousins, Noah and Nicholas, shortly after arrival. The last time Nicki and I saw the twins, the little guys were
nearly Finn's size...they have since grown into little chunky monkeys, full of life and super cute. It is hard to imagine them in their tiny little newborn frames just 5 months ago when we thought we would break them while burping. Finn had his first family party on Friday night...Nana Peggy pulled together several relatives and uncle Tom made a large dinner for the everyone...Finn was passed around amongst the family,mostly while sleeping, and introduced to his other baby cousins Michael and Katarina Boschert, and Ben and Maggie Alexander. The Alexander house was again a zoo...or a nursery...and it brought back memories of my childhood, when a pack of little cousins were running around inseperably, constantly playing games until our parents had to drag us home.
We wer
e lucky enough to have some time to hang with the Boock's, and the St.Patty's day parade in downtown St.Louis seemed a perfect venue for us all to visit. Saturday was a gorgeous midwestern day, perfect for being outside and people watching. Little Sarah Boock danced around in her green tutu, while traditional Irish dancers performed on the passing floats. Finn slept, of course, but was, as far as we could tell, the only 7 week-old present, and was a big hit among the crowd of drunken watchers. We finished off the weekend with a visit to Jerry and LoLo Ziercher, who are now proud to say they are the first of the Zierch
er family to see little Finn (sorry Brett and Jen). Within the four days in St. Louis, Finn began to focus more on objects, talk up a storm (especially if you are singing a tune), and continue to pump out super cute the time we returned Omaha, Finn was quite a different person than when he left. It is hard to imagine both development and growth at such a pace. Can't miss a moment without missing something these days.
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