Sunday, June 27, 2010

What does a 17 month old do???

Beach Finn

Busy is the first word that comes to mind. He is talking more and more every day. His most recent words are, "Here killykillykilly" (for Here Kitty Kitty Kitty), "WOW", "Uh-oh", "NO", "WHALE" (the "L" very enunciated), wahisthis (for What is this), and more! He is running everywhere, not walking. He loves the garden and all the flowers, especially ones he can pick (we are working on just smelling them). He walks around everywhere waiving and saying HI to everyone like he is a super star (so social!). He's finding out that ice cream and popcicles are REALLY good! He thinks airplanes, big trucks and snakes are super cool too (yup he's a boy alright!). He loves playing with the neigbor kids or at the park. He loves water and his little pool. He is just so much fun right now! I am loving him up all I can before I start school. Everyday is something new and exciting and so cool to see it all through the eyes of a 17 month old!

Our latest travels were to LA for our friends Dave and Shelley's wedding. It was amazing! We all loved the sea air!

Here are some pictures from the Redondo Wedding and here are Lindsey's photos from the wedding.
A view from the lighthouse.

Next weekend, the Ozarks with Nana and Pa...

1 comment:

  1. Aw, seeing Finn and Greta playing together makes me miss you guys even more!
