Finn's first week

POO REPORT - Week one's poo can be summarized as 'meconium to mustard seed'. Finn latched his first day and, with some help from the post-pardem nurses, Nicki was able to get him to feed every three hours or so while in the hospital. Finn lost 5 ounces in the first 3 days, which is apparently normal; he was also slightly jaundice, although well below the threshold for remaining in the hospital. Finn pooped in his hospital departure outfit shortly after we put it on...luckily we had another. After a bath, a quick 'new parents' class (don't shake the baby...that sort of stuff), we put little Finn in his carseat an
d hit the road...for the long 1-mile journey home. The carseat nearly swallowed the little guy.
We were so lucky to have so many visitors in the hospital and over the first week. Nicki's sister Jenni drove all night from Dallas to be with us, and arrived just a couple of hours after Finn's birth. She took a heavy load of responsibility off of our shoulders by taking care of the dogs, the kitty, and delivering breakfast to us every morning so we did not have to eat the powdered eggs and 'facon' from the cafeteria. Jenni stayed f
or the better part of the week, and managed to get more 'Finn time' than his father She became Finn's personal photographer, and was commonly found photographing and taking video of the little one with her phone. Grandma Karen drove in to visit every day, despite recovering from a recent chemo treatment. The little guy had better get used to being filmed...grandma Karen
is renowned for her home videos. Jason's parents, sister, three nephews, and great grandma Olive drove in from St.Louis on Friday. The last time the Alexander family was in town, their hotel had no hot water. This time their wing of the hotel had a little problem with diapers in the plumbing and they woke up to 'rain' in their you are an Omaha hotel, you may want to claim 'no vacancy' if the Alexanders are booking. Grandpa Terry and Nana Peggy announced Finn's birth on the new Cave Springs Lanes marquee. Yes, Finn was born into a pround bowling family.
Soooo excited about this blog! Thanks especially for the poo picture; what a lovely walk down memory lane. Looking forward to being a poo report junkie! LOVE, Julie