January 26, 7:04 am - Finn Carter is born...6 lbs, 3.5 oz, and 20 inches long!
Finn Carter Alexander was born on January 26th, 2009 at 7:04 am. He was born under a new moon, the first day of the new Chinese Year, 4707. This is the year of the OX. Oxen are born leaders, patient, persistent, and hard working. Given the present state of the world we need plenty of oxen personalities, so we believe his birth is timely.
water broke around noon on January 25th...17 hours later, Finn was delivered. Nicki began pushing 2.5 hours before delivery. She made Finn's birth happen her way...she is a rock, and I think this picture is says it all for the mother and child.
The little guy had a silent cry, a healthy head of hair, and paddle feet. People like to say their world was turned upside down when their chidl was born...I would say that a change from a warm, fluid, entirely nurturing environment to a world of steel and plastic, and unknown protections is a bit more of a change. Nicki and I wonder what is going through is mind in this photo...makes it all the more beautiful that humans are born without developed vision, it might just be too much for our powerful brains to deal with. Our voices made his crying stop nearly instantaneously...all that talking to the womb!
It is rather bizarre, and beautiful, that we were a family of two going into the hospital...and we are now a family of 3...and two dogs...and one cat.
And the family includes.....ONE....grandma Karen. Soon to be Finn's companion in doing everything fun....story reader and teller....soft head kissing....hugs....smiles....and on and on.